Rank Faster Than Ever Before!

Every SEO knows for a new site, SEO is at least a 6 month game!

To tackle this, I got an idea; if we purchase a domain now and start publishing content after 3 months, can we just cut 3 months?

To test this, I have purchased around 5 domains with an intent to publish content later.

Here are the statistics of a site:

Domain Registered: Oct 13, 2021
First Article Published: January 28, 2022
Screenshots Dated: February 19, 2022
Total Published Articles Yet: 14

Surprisingly, its articles started ranking on smaller search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo, and ecosia within days! Most articles on these search engines got ranked within 24 hours and people started visiting the site.

However, from Google, this site is facing indexing issues. But still, one or two articles are on Google’s first page for some locations and a few ones on the second page. Also, getting 2 or 3 clicks from Google weekly.


What FB Community is saying:

I’m getting almost similar results on other sites too.

What do you think about this? Have you tested this before?

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