Celebrating My First Anniversary

Celebrating the first anniversary!

I’ve so many feelings and experiences to share today! I will try my best to express myself as much as possible.

Back one or two years, marriage was the most important thing for me in my life. I faced many setbacks and financial stress caused by my early marriage decision. But I was determined that I would get married no matter what.

I believe marriage might hold our growth in the shorter term, but marriage lets us grow far better in the longer term.

That’s what happens to me.

It was the most beautiful & productive year of my life! I’m growing myself exponentially, ALH. Now, I can do whatever I prefer without stress or depression!

ALH, I’m so blessed. I see myself as a 100% complete person having a great life among an amazing family.

I’m so thankful to Allah for the many blessings I have. I’m thankful for my life partner to be so amazing with me. I’m thankful to my family for supporting us.

ALH, I’m so blessed to have an amazing partner. We enjoy, play together, and respect each other’s decisions. I’m so thankful for an amazing life.

I would also love to thank my friends and colleagues for standing with my decisions.

I’m looking forward to more better growth and far more amazing life. IA

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It’s a personal opinion, but I always prefer marriage over a career in most situations. Now, I have experienced it. I still recommend everyone to get married early.

May Allah help us understand the bigger picture and act wisely.

What do you say? Let me know in the comment box.

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